The Life and Health Sciences Research Institute (ICVS), R&D Unit incorporated in the School of Medicine from the University of Minho, announces the award of a research fellowship, with the reference ICVS_BI_2022_025(1), of 1(one) Research Fellowship for Master Student or Bachelor Enrolled in a Non-Academic Degree Course within the scope of the R&D project “Development of over-inhibition of cortical circuits in Down Syndrome”, with the reference NEURON/0001/2021, funded by the “Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia,I.P. (FCT)”.
The notice for the opening position is available on EURAXESS Portugal.
Candidates must submit the request and supporting documents, using digital tools, in PDF format, by electronic means, to the address, until the deadline for the submission of applications, namely November 25th, 2022,indicating in the subject “Ref. ICVS_BI_2022_025(1)”.