Carolina Sousa

  • PLD1
  • Myelin
  • Oligodendrocytes
  • Corpus callosum
  • Neurodegeneration

I obtained a Bachelor’s degree in Biochemistry at University of Minho (School of Sciences, Braga) in 2023. The final BSc project was conducted at the Life and Health Research Institute (ICVs) under the supervision of João Filipe Oliveira (PhD) and João Filipe Viana which aimed to histologically characterize astrocytes from mice with a deletion of mGluR5. In the same year I finished my BSc degree I enrolled in a Master’s Program in Health Sciences at University of Minho. Currently, I am developing my thesis focused on the role of phospholipase D1 (PLD1) in myelin turnover under the supervision of Tiago Gil Oliveira (MD/PhD) and Sara Calafate (PhD).

Carolina Sousa

  • PLD1
  • Myelin
  • Oligodendrocytes
  • Corpus callosum
  • Neurodegeneration

I obtained a Bachelor’s degree in Biochemistry at University of Minho (School of Sciences, Braga) in 2023. The final BSc project was conducted at the Life and Health Research Institute (ICVs) under the supervision of João Filipe Oliveira (PhD) and João Filipe Viana which aimed to histologically characterize astrocytes from mice with a deletion of mGluR5. In the same year I finished my BSc degree I enrolled in a Master’s Program in Health Sciences at University of Minho. Currently, I am developing my thesis focused on the role of phospholipase D1 (PLD1) in myelin turnover under the supervision of Tiago Gil Oliveira (MD/PhD) and Sara Calafate (PhD).

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