Scientific Highlights
Duarte-Silva, S.*, Da Silva, J. D.*, Monteiro-Fernandes, D.*, Costa, M. D., Neves-Carvalho, A., Raposo, M., Soares-Cunha, C., Correia, J. S., Nogueira-Goncalves, G., Fernandes, H. S., Oliveira, S., Ferreira-Fernandes, A. R., Rodrigues, F., Pereira-Sousa, J., Vilasboas-Campos, D., Guerreiro, S., Campos, J., Meireles-Costa, L., Rodrigues, C. M. P., Cabantous, S., Sousa, S. F., Lima, M., Teixeira-Castro, A., & Maciel, P. (2024). Glucocorticoid receptor-dependent therapeutic efficacy of tauroursodeoxycholic acid in preclinical models of spinocerebellar ataxia type 3. The Journal of Clinical Investigation, 134(5), e162246.
Da Silva, J. D., Oliveira, S., Pereira-Sousa, J., Teixeira-Castro, A., Costa, M. D., & Maciel, P. (2020). Loss of egli-1, the Caenorhabditis elegans Orthologue of a Downstream Target of SMN, Leads to Abnormalities in Sensorimotor Integration. Molecular neurobiology, 57(3), 1553–1569.
Da Silva, J. D., Teixeira-Castro, A., & Maciel, P. (2019). From Pathogenesis to Novel Therapeutics for Spinocerebellar Ataxia Type 3: Evading Potholes on the Way to Translation. Neurotherapeutics : the journal of the American Society for Experimental NeuroTherapeutics, 16(4), 1009–1031.
Da Silva, J. D., Costa, M. D., Almeida, B., Lopes, F., Maciel, P., & Teixeira-Castro, A. (2021). Case Report: A Novel GNB1 Mutation Causes Global Developmental Delay With Intellectual Disability and Behavioral Disorders. Frontiers in neurology, 12, 735549.
Bravo, F. V., Da Silva, J., Chan, R. B., Di Paolo, G., Teixeira-Castro, A., & Oliveira, T. G. (2018). Phospholipase D functional ablation has a protective effect in an Alzheimer’s disease Caenorhabditis elegans model. Scientific reports, 8(1), 3540.
Antunes, C., Da Silva, J. D., Guerra-Gomes, S., Alves, N. D., Ferreira, F., Loureiro-Campos, E., Branco, M. R., Sousa, N., Reik, W., Pinto, L., & Marques, C. J. (2021). Tet3 ablation in adult brain neurons increases anxiety-like behavior and regulates cognitive function in mice. Molecular psychiatry, 26(5), 1445–1457.
Mendes-Pinheiro, B., Anjo, S. I., Manadas, B., Da Silva, J. D., Marote, A., Behie, L. A., Teixeira, F. G., & Salgado, A. J. (2019). Bone Marrow Mesenchymal Stem Cells’ Secretome Exerts Neuroprotective Effects in a Parkinson’s Disease Rat Model. Frontiers in bioengineering and biotechnology, 7, 294.
Antunes, C., Da Silva, J. D., Guerra-Gomes, S., Alves, N. D., Loureiro-Campos, E., Pinto, L., & Marques, C. J. (2022). Tet3 Deletion in Adult Brain Neurons of Female Mice Results in Anxiety-like Behavior and Cognitive Impairments. Molecular neurobiology, 59(8), 4892–4901.
Meira-Carvalho, F., Da Silva, J. D., & Rodrigues, M. (2021). Opicapone in Parkinson’s Disease: Real-World Data from a Portuguese Center. European neurology, 84(2), 129–131.
Funding and Awards
Prize for the Best Hot Chair Presentation at the 7th Ataxia Investigators Meeting (Philadelphia, PA, USA, 2018).