Lídia Nunes-Carvalho

  • C. elegans
  • LGC-50
  • 5-HT3
  • Serotonin
  • Neurodegenerative Diseases

Lídia Nunes-Carvalho holds a B.Sc. in Bioengineering from the University of Trás-os-Montes and Alto Douro. She is currently in the second year of her master’s degree in Biotechnology for Health Sciences at the same university, developing her dissertation work at the Institute for Life and Health Sciences (ICVS) at University of Minho, integrating the Translational Neurogenetics group coordinated by Patrícia Maciel. Currently, she is interested in understanding the functioning of serotonin receptors, more precisely the LGC-50 receptor, present in C. elegans. One of her goals is to stablish whether there is a homologue of this receptor in humans.

Lídia Nunes-Carvalho

  • C. elegans
  • LGC-50
  • 5-HT3
  • Serotonin
  • Neurodegenerative Diseases

Lídia Nunes-Carvalho holds a B.Sc. in Bioengineering from the University of Trás-os-Montes and Alto Douro. She is currently in the second year of her master’s degree in Biotechnology for Health Sciences at the same university, developing her dissertation work at the Institute for Life and Health Sciences (ICVS) at University of Minho, integrating the Translational Neurogenetics group coordinated by Patrícia Maciel. Currently, she is interested in understanding the functioning of serotonin receptors, more precisely the LGC-50 receptor, present in C. elegans. One of her goals is to stablish whether there is a homologue of this receptor in humans.

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Serotonin signaling and proteostasis

This project addresses an unmet medical need- the lack of effective treatment for any of the aging-associated neurodegenerative diseases. Due to the worldwide aging of the population, by 2050 it is expected that over 135 million people…

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