Scientific Highlights
1. Almeida OFX, Sousa N (2022) Leveraging Neuroscience to Fight Stigma Around Mental Health. Front Behav Neurosci. 15:812184.
2. Kobayashi S, Tanaka T, Soeda Y, Almeida OFX, Takashima A (2017) Local Somatodendritic Translation and Hyperphosphorylation of Tau Protein Triggered by AMPA and NMDA Receptor Stimulation. EbioMedicine 20:120-126.
3.Gaali S, Kirschner A, Cuboni S, Hartmann J, Kozany C, Balsevich G, Namendorf C, Fernandez-Vizarra P, Sippel C, Zannas AS, Draenert R, Binder EB, Almeida OFX, Rühter G, Uhr M, Schmidt MV, Touma C, Bracher A, Hausch F (2015) Selective inhibitors of the FK506-binding protein 51 by induced fit. Nat Chem Biol 11:33-7.
4.Harb MR, Sousa N, Zihl J, Almeida OFX (2014) Reward components of feeding behavior are preserved during mouse aging. Front Aging Neurosci 6:242.
5. Sotiropoulos I, Catania C, Pinto LG, Silva R, Pollerberg GE, Takashima A, Sousa N, Almeida OFX (2011) Stress acts cumulatively to precipitate Alzheimer’s disease-like tau pathology and cognitive deficits. J Neurosci 31:7840-7.
6. Murgatroyd C, Patchev AV, Wu Y, Micale V, Bockmühl Y, Fischer D, Holsboer F, Wotjak CT, Almeida OFX, Spengler D (2009) Dynamic DNA methylation programs persistent adverse effects of early-life stress. Nat Neurosci 12:1559-66.
7. Almeida OFX, Condé GL, Crochemore C, Demeneix BA, Fischer D, Hassan AH, Meyer M, Holsboer F, Michaelidis TM (2000) Subtle shifts in the ratio between pro- and antiapoptotic molecules after activation of corticosteroid receptors decide neuronal fate. FASEB J 14:779-90.
8. Almeida OFX, Hassan AH, Holsboer F (1993) Intrahypothalamic neuroendocrine actions of corticotropin-releasing factor. Ciba Found Symp 172:151-69; discussion 169-72.
9. Tamarkin L, Baird CJ, Almeida OFX (1985) Melatonin: a coordinating signal for mammalian reproduction? Science 227(4688):714-20.
10. Renfree MB, Lincoln DW, Almeida OFX, Short RV (1981) Abolition of seasonal embryonic diapause in a wallaby by pineal denervation. Nature 293(5828):138-9.