Sara Dourado

  • Cellular Aging
  • Autophagy
  • Molecular Biology
  • Yeast
  • Metabolism
  • Nutrition

Sara Dourado graduated in 2013 in Nutrition in Universidade Federal do Piauí (UFPI) – Brasil, in 2015 she obtained a specialist degree in Clinical Nutrition, and in 2022 obtained a MSc degree in Health Sciences from the University of Minho (UM). After finishing her graduation, Sara worked as a nutritionist in clinics and hospitals in Brasil, took part in nutrition degree juries, and she performed research in Cellular Aging at ICVS (Life and Health Sciences Research Institute) as an internship trainee of Doctors Paula Ludovico and Belém Sampaio-Marques. During her MSc thesis, her research focused on studying the impact of food supplements on yeast chronological aging, under the supervision of Drs. Paula Ludovico and Belém Sampaio-Marques at the Life and Health Sciences Research Institute (ICVS), University of Minho. In 2023, Sara joined the Dr. Paula Ludovico and Dr. Jorge Pedrosa research group as an external researcher at ICVS, where she continues studying cellular aging, and during this period she has also concluded, as a facilitator for a medical student for her master thesis.

Sara Dourado

  • Cellular Aging
  • Autophagy
  • Molecular Biology
  • Yeast
  • Metabolism
  • Nutrition

Sara Dourado graduated in 2013 in Nutrition in Universidade Federal do Piauí (UFPI) – Brasil, in 2015 she obtained a specialist degree in Clinical Nutrition, and in 2022 obtained a MSc degree in Health Sciences from the University of Minho (UM). After finishing her graduation, Sara worked as a nutritionist in clinics and hospitals in Brasil, took part in nutrition degree juries, and she performed research in Cellular Aging at ICVS (Life and Health Sciences Research Institute) as an internship trainee of Doctors Paula Ludovico and Belém Sampaio-Marques. During her MSc thesis, her research focused on studying the impact of food supplements on yeast chronological aging, under the supervision of Drs. Paula Ludovico and Belém Sampaio-Marques at the Life and Health Sciences Research Institute (ICVS), University of Minho. In 2023, Sara joined the Dr. Paula Ludovico and Dr. Jorge Pedrosa research group as an external researcher at ICVS, where she continues studying cellular aging, and during this period she has also concluded, as a facilitator for a medical student for her master thesis.

Scientific Highlights

Author of a review article : 2018. Dourado S.A.S and Paula L.O. VITAMIN B12 DEFICIENCY AFTER BARIATRIC SURGERY: A LITERATURE REVIEW. Rev. Saúde.Com 2018; 14(1): 1112-1120. DOI 10.22481/rsc.v14i1.419.

Work presentation in event: 2016. Moura e Silva M.C, Aguiar J.R.S, Dourado S.A.S, Freitas B.A, Nogueira T.R, Sales A.L.C.C. EFEITOS DO USO DE ÁCIDOS GRAXOS ÔMEGA-3 NA DOENÇA DE CROHN: UMA REVISÃO DE LITERATURA. II SIPPAN – Simpósio do Programa de Pós Graduação em Alimentos e Nutrição (Diagnóstico e Intervenções Nutricionais). Brasil.

Second place award for presentation of a paper: 2013. Influência do estilo de vida de Adventistas vegetarianos de Teresina sobre a pressão arterial. III Jornada de Nutrição da Faculdade Santo Agostinho. Brasil.

Lecture presentation in event: 2016. Aleitamento materno exclusivo. II Seminário de promoção ao aleitamento materno. Universidade Estadual do Maranhão. Curso de Enfermagem. Brasil.

Work presentation in event: 2013. Dourado S.A.S, et al. Avaliação de efeito antimicrobiano e antiedematogênico do óleo-resina da copaíba roxa (Copaifera sp.). III Congresso Meio-Norte de Medicina Laboratorial. Teresina (PI), Brasil.

Work presentation in event: 2013. Cronemberger I.F, Dourado S.A.S, et al. Efeito antiulcerogênico do óleo da copaíba roxa (Copaifera sp.) em úlceras gástricas crônicas induzidas por ácido acético em Rattus norvergicus. III Congresso Meio-Norte de Medicina Laboratorial. Teresina (PI), Brasil.

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