Nuno Sousa

  • aging
  • stress
  • neuroimaging
  • digital health
  • cognition

Nuno Sousa (MD, PhD) is Full Professor and President of the School of Medicine, University of Minho.Nuno Sousa serves at several medical education and medical assessment advisory boards (NBME, EuroBMA). He is Visiting Professor at Upstate Medical University, NY. He is a NeuroRadiologist. Presently, he is the Director of the Clinical Academic Center at Hospital de Braga and of the Digital Medical Center P5. He is a researcher in the field of Neurosciences at ICVS. His research main interests are focused in the establishment of functional and structural correlations mediated by stress and its implications in neuropsychiatric disorders and in aging. Nuno Sousa coordinates several national and international scientific projects, in the field of neuroscience and digital health. In addition to academic merits, Nuno Sousa serves on several science policy and advisory board positions, and as an Ad hoc reviewer for various neuroscience journal and international funding organizations. He has published more than 500 papers, been cited more than 20000 and has a H-factor of 72. He is one of the 1% most influent researchers according to a recent study in PlosBiology.

Nuno Sousa

  • aging
  • stress
  • neuroimaging
  • digital health
  • cognition

Nuno Sousa (MD, PhD) is Full Professor and President of the School of Medicine, University of Minho.Nuno Sousa serves at several medical education and medical assessment advisory boards (NBME, EuroBMA). He is Visiting Professor at Upstate Medical University, NY. He is a NeuroRadiologist. Presently, he is the Director of the Clinical Academic Center at Hospital de Braga and of the Digital Medical Center P5. He is a researcher in the field of Neurosciences at ICVS. His research main interests are focused in the establishment of functional and structural correlations mediated by stress and its implications in neuropsychiatric disorders and in aging. Nuno Sousa coordinates several national and international scientific projects, in the field of neuroscience and digital health. In addition to academic merits, Nuno Sousa serves on several science policy and advisory board positions, and as an Ad hoc reviewer for various neuroscience journal and international funding organizations. He has published more than 500 papers, been cited more than 20000 and has a H-factor of 72. He is one of the 1% most influent researchers according to a recent study in PlosBiology.

Scientific Highlights

1. Editor Chief of Frontiers in Behavioral Neuroscience

2. Gold Medal of the Minister of Health, 2011

3. Magalhães R, Picó-Pérez M, Esteves M, Vieira R, Castanho TC, Amorim L, Sousa M, Coelho A, Fernandes HM, Cabral J, Moreira PS, Sousa N. (2021) Habitual coffee drinkers display a distinct pattern of brain functional connectivity. Mol Psychiatry. 2021 Nov;26(11):6589-6598.

4. Magalhães R, Barrière DA, Novais A, Marques F, Marques P, Cerqueira J, Sousa JC, Cachia A, Boumezbeur F, Bottlaender M, Jay TM, Mériaux S, Sousa N. (2018) The dynamics of stress: a longitudinal MRI study of rat brain structure and connectome. Mol Psychiatry. 23,1998-2006.

5. Sousa N. (2016) The dynamics of the stress neuromatrix. Molecular Psychiatry 21(3):302-12.

6. Marques P, Moreira P, Magalhães R, Costa P, Santos N, Zihl J, Soares J, Sousa N. (2016) The functional connectome of cognitive reserve. Hum Brain Mapp. Sep;37(9):3310-22.

7. Dias-Ferreira E, Sousa JC, Melo I, Morgado P, Mesquita AR, Cerqueira JJ, Costa RM, Sousa N. (2009) Chronic stress causes frontostriatal reorganization and affects decision-making. Science, 325:621-5.

8. Bessa JM, Ferreira D, Melo I, Marques F, Cerqueira JJ, Palha JA, Almeida OF, Sousa N. (2009) The mood-improving actions of antidepressants do not depend on neurogenesis but are associated with neuronal remodeling. Molecular Psychiatry 14:764-73.

9. Cerqueira JJ, Mailliet F, Almeida OF, Jay TM, Sousa N. (2007) The prefrontal cortex as a key target of the maladaptive response to stress. Journal of Neuroscience 27:2781-2787.

10. Sousa N, Lukoyanov NV, Madeira MD, Almeida OF, Paula-Barbosa MM. (2000) Reorganization of the morphology of hippocampal neurites and synapses after stress-induced damage correlates with behavioral improvement. Neuroscience, 97: 253-266.

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